Good morning BE⭐️CHRs!!!!
While we are finally getting really close to the installation of our dome ❤️, we keep working on new initiatives to boost our community and find a way to keep enjoying the good vibes 😎!!!
Thursday 9 December at 19.30
BE⭐️CHRs’ Xmas Party at Jeux d’Hiver
We have organized a moment to stay together (dressed up, for once 😊) in a beautiful venue and to celebrate our amazing community.
Also, on that occasion, we will present the 2022 BE⭐️chr’s Calendar!!! All the funds raised will be donated to Doctors Without Borders to support a project for less fortunate children 🙏🏼❤️
And just to make it more our style, we will make a toast also to some BE⭐️CHRs whose birthday happens around that date! @Pino @Simone De Vita @robertacacciaglia @Kiki Cucu @Alex Wielgos
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