Good Monday BE🌟CHRs!!!
After the implementation of the new COVID measures, we had to find a different way to share a moment together as the Xmas Party cannot take place as we wanted to 🥲
Therefore, while the big party is just postponed, we will meet for dinner on the same day, at the same time, but at a different place:
Thursday 9th December at 19.30:
Restaurant INNRGREEN
Rte de Lennik 1041, 1070 Anderlecht
In this occasion, we will present the B🌟EU CALENDAR, which will be sold for a found raiser for Doctors Without Borders.
And we will also celebrate the birthdays of some BE🌟CHRs that decided to share this with our community: @Pino @Alex Wielgos @Simone De Vita @robertacacciaglia @Kiki Cucu
Please confirm your participation by clicking on RSVP at this LINK
and feel free to bring your +1 (or the like 😂)
See You There!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥