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Beachtraxx a.k.a Beachvolley Europe Gent
Beachtraxx Gent is our second beachvolleyball project in Belgium. The cosy city of Ghent, known for its rich cultural heritage, is now also known as thé place to be in East- (and West-) Flandres for beach volleyball players of all kinds. As 'Beachvolley for all' is its motto, Beachtraxx Ghent propagates the heart and soul of Beachvolley Europe, connecting sandlovers on and off court.

Nieuw Jeugdproject in groot Gent!!!
Voorinschrijving NU geopend!
Meld je NU al aan voor de trainingen van Beachvolley Academy Gent+ en krijg
voorrang op late beslissers!
(beslissen en betalen hoef je nu dus nog niet te doen)
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