Edit nr 3
For now we have 2 skiboxen, one at 16h and 1 at 20h.
16h: Skibox is FULL, single ticket on ground floor at 38eur still possible, or 6 new people for a 2nd skibox at 26eur/person
20h: 4 available spots
Who's joining us Saturday 10th of september to the European King Of The Court Finals in Utrecht? Watching this spectacle is a must for all beachvolleyballplayers!
Teams like Mol/Sorum, Ahman/Helvig and the likes will be on stage for us to see!!!
Tickets are here and can be booked in 2 ways:
Per skibox of max 6 or 10 people.
Ground Floor single tickets
Vip ticket
In this link you can see that there's not much left. Deciding is for the quick!!!
Skibox 16h: 0 available spots
Skibox 20h: 3 available spots